Saturday, August 27, 2011


A relaxing day... started with an early morning drive to the market. Fresh organic bunch of red onions inspired a greek salad which I'll have with grilled lamb.

Picked a good handful of tomatoes, and thought about securing a few things in advance of Hurricane Irene. Peppers are taking forever to ripen. I'll be patient, they will be worth it!

OK, I bought the shoes last weekend.

Now I am struggling to find something to watch on Netflix.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blog Interrupted

I miss having new episodes of LOST to watch. I was reminded of this when I 'flashed back' in time, after landing on Oak Island this summer.

not really, but it has a weird mystery/ energy from within - a history and a presence. There is no denying the strange evidence of elaborate searches, all in trying to unleash this island's secrets.